Students of Donegal
Tirconnel Students


Student to Student


This site was established as a means of bringing back together people who were classmates in Donegal.
Wherever you attended school or college in the county, hopefully by leaving your name and contact email here we can bring you back into contact with that long lost friend.

classmates reunion

The Aim classmates reunion
You can leave just your email address or maybe even leave a message to one person in particular. Maybe a dearest friend that you haven't seen for a long long time.

This is a non-profit making page, established simply to help the creator try to find some old pals. So why not join in and find whomever you can. Of course it is also open to teachers or tutors who would like to track those promising students, or maybe the ones who left early, to hopefully go on to bigger and better things.

Personally I attended St. Columba's College in Stranorlar, Donegal. I started there in September 1988, left in June 1994. I was part of first St. Rita's class and then later St. Agnes. They definitely were the best two classes while I was there, but of course this is open to discussion.

For now, as the page is strictly in it's development stage, please leave your details, whatever you want them to be, in the GUESTBOOK and they will be posted there for anyone who is interested. You will find the Guestbook by going to the Student To Student page...


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